Thursday, July 3, 2008

"How am I doing?"

Last week, Tanya took RJ, MJ, and SJ to the REBELUTION conference in Dallas and said it was awesome. RJ and MJ have been reading a couple of books sold there and have been challenged to be NOT the normal teenager. The challenge the teens to rebel against low expectations. Our society no longer expects much from our teens.

I was reading this acrticle by Michael Pearl about boys today and I thought of how today's boys differ from boys of a few decades ago when 14 year olds were responsible enough to get a job, hold a job, and make money. Those boys didn't have Playstation, wii, DVD's, airsoft guns, etc. Michael was saying that he's observed a loss of something very important in our society. You'll have to read the article at

This statement by Michael Pearl was one I pondered for several minutes while thinking of myself and my own boys:

"Perpetually silly boys are an embarrassment to their fathers and a shame to their mothers; moreover, they are the public proof of a father’s neglect and a mother’s indulgence."

The question I asked myself as a father is: "how am I doing?" Are my boys fools? I remember Solomon who warned against following the way of fools. He exhorted us to chase after wisdom and to pass that wisdom on to my sons and their sons.

"How am I doing?", I ask myself. In all honesty, I feel like I've got a ton of work to do. There is much wisdom I lack and need in order to pass wisdom on to my sons and their sons. Most of us are there.

Problem is, I can't do it on my own. It is so like God to make certain that I would be totally dependent upon Him!! It is with His teaching and shaping that I will obtain wisdom and will pass it on.

Just thoughts for the morning.

I have a buddy whose tag line is "LIFE is CHRIST". I don't want to borrow from him without giving him credit. The same is true with my new tag line "CHRIST is LIFE". I hope it becomes more to you than just a tag line. Maybe a LIFE LINE!


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